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Appliances Recycling Locations Scrap Metal Recycling

The North Central Ohio Solid Waste District is not endorsing the companies/business listed below, but is providing this list as a public service.
The list is compiled from a voluntary survey of area business, it is always best to contact the business in advance to be sure they are
still accepting all the items listed. There may also be other recyclers in your area that are not included on this list.

Separating Waste

Allen County 

1610 East 4th St, Lima, Ohio - 419-227-3411

Omni Source - 1610 E 4th St, Lima, Ohio 45804

Items Accepted: Most Appliances
& Scrap Metals

For More Information Use Website Link Below

Hardin County 

Hardin County Transfer Station
45 Jones Road, Kenton, Ohio - 419-673-7183

Hours: Monday Thru Friday 8:30 AM to 4:15 PM
Open First Saturday of Each Month 8:30 AM to 11:50 AM

Items Accepted: Washers, Dryers, Stoves and Dishwasher
DO NOT accept Refrigerators, Freezer or any other
appliance containing freon.

Whitaker Enterprises
954 Robinson Avenue, Kenton, Ohio - 419-675-1360

Items Accepted: Appliances & Scrap Metal
Buyer of Scrap-aluminum, steel, copper, brass & bi-meta

North Central Ohio Solid Waste District 
815 Shawnee Rd, Suite D

Lima, OH 45805
Phone: (419) 228-8278 Ext *#
Toll Free: (800) 553- 6763
Fax: (419) 229- 2156

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