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Funding Assistance 

The Following section summarizes the financial assistances offered by NCO and the requirements for each program. Please read Financial Assistance Manual for the complete details of the programs. 

Community Clean-Up Funding Assistance


NCO Offers communities throughout the six county area financial assistance for clean-up projects. The projects normally occur in the spring and allow residents to bring special items and bulk materials (such as mattresses and furniture) to a central collection area. Clean ups must include some type of recycling collection. Any political subdivision located within Allen, Champaign, Hardin, Madison, Shelby and Union counties are eligible to apply. 

Request for funding form may be filed at any time throughout the year, but not later than September 15th of each year. 

See Guidance Manual for more details on funding criteria and allowable expenses. 

Yard Waste Funding Assistance  


Application requirements- Eligible applicants may submit a request for funding using the form included in the guidance manual. Applications will be reviewed by NCO 1 month of receipt of the request and brought to the Board of Directors for approval or disapproval at the next available meeting date. The Board of Directors meets 4 times per year, generally in January, April, July and October. 


Applications submitted do not guarantee a project will be funded. See Guidance Manual for more details on funding criteria and allowable expenses.  

NCO Offers communities throughout the six county area financial assistance for managing yard waste (leaves, brush, wood). The Projects normally occur in the spring and fall. Typical projects in the past have involved grinding of yard waste for mulch. Any political subdivision located in Allen, Champaign, Madison, Shelby and Union counties are eligible to apply.  

Recycling Projects Funding Assistance 


NCO offers NCO offers recycling assistance funds for one time expenses related to the start-up or improvement of curbside and drop-off recycling programs. Other recycling program start-ups may also be considered.  Any political subdivision located within Allen, Champaign, Hardin, Madison, Shelby and Union Counties are eligible to apply.

Application Requirements- Eligible applicants may submit a request for funding using the form included in the guidance manual at any time. For funding requests that include rolling stock, applications will be reviewed by NCO within 1 month of receipt of the request and brought to the Board of Directors for approval or disapproval at the next available meeting date.

The Board of Directors meets 4 times per year, generally in January, April, July and October.

For funding requests that do not include rolling stock, applications will be reviewed by NCO within 1 month of receipt of the request and either approved or disapproved.  See Guidance Manual for more details on funding criteria and allowable expenses. 

Solid Waste/Recycling Outreach and Education Funding Assistance 


NCO offers outreach and assistance funds for one-time expenses related to the education of District residents and students on solid waste and recycling topics. Any educational institution including primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities; Any governmental agency; Any Non-profit organizations located within Allen, Champaign, Hardin, Madison, Shelby, and Union Counties are eligible to apply. 


Request for funding form may be filed at any time throughout the year. See Guidance Manual for more details on funding criteria, funding limits and allowable expenses. 

Disaster Debris Funding Assistance 


NCO annually budgets funds to provide financial assistance with unplanned solid waste management costs which are a direct result of disaster situations. Any political subdivision located within Allen, Champaign, Hardin, Madison, Shelby, and Union Counties are eligible to apply.

Application Requirements- Eligible applicants may submit a request for funding using the form included in the guidance manual at any time. Applications will be reviewed by NCO within 1 month of receipt of the request and brought to the Board of Directors for approval or disapproval at the next available meeting date.

The Board of Directors meets 4 times per year, generally in January, April, July, and October.

Funding Criteria and Match Funds- The distribution of dollars from NCO's Emergency Disaster Fund will be conducted, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, if appropriated funds are available, as follows:

For declared natural disaster emergencies where the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and/or the State of Ohio is providing financial assistance, the District may provide up to 10% of the project cost for solid waste disposal and hauling services if District appropriated disaster debris emergency funds are available.

For non-declared natural disaster emergencies, the District may provide up to 50% of the project cost for solid waste disposal and hauling services if District appropriated disaster debris emergency funds are available.

See Guidance Manual for more details on funding criteria and allowable expenses.

In addition to the financial assistance, in the event of a natural disaster NCO offers the following technical assistance services to any County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) and/or local law enforcement in its jurisdiction:
1) Make NCO staff available 24 hours a day to respond to any solid waste disaster;
2) At the EMA's or local law enforcement request, the NCO Director will evaluate the situation to determine the process of clean-up and financial needs; and
3) NCO will coordinate with the local EMA, Ohio EPA district office and/or the local health department to establish disposal procedures and monitor debris sites to mitigate any impact on public health.

Scrap Tire Clean-Ups 
(Illegally Dumped)


NCO offers assistance to County Engineers, Sheriffs, municipalities and townships with the costs of tire disposal and recycling associated with the clean-up of littered and illegally dumped tires. Under this program, the political subdivision is responsible for collecting the tires and then coordinating with NCO for the proper disposal/recycling and hauling of the tires. NCO can only pay for the hauling and disposal fee.  Any political subdivision located within Allen, Champaign, Hardin, Madison, Shelby and Union Counties are eligible to apply, including County Engineers, Sheriffs and other forms of County Government

Application Requirements- Eligible applicants may submit a request for funding using the form included in the  guidance manual at any time. Applications will be reviewed by the Executive Director and if all conditions are met and funding is available, the tires will be removed upon scheduling with NCO's tire hauler.

Scrap Tire Funding Criteria
NCO will consider the following elements in the process of application review:

1.) All applications will be reviewed to ensure that the tires are only from illegally dumped areas within the six county area. Photographic documentation will be required
2.) Assurances that the tires were not obtained from businesses and from any special collection events. Availability of financial assistance funding.
3.) Submission of required forms and comprehensive responses to all applicable questions.

Other Financial Assistance Requirements NCO will require the following regarding any funding approved under this program:
Provide photographic documentation of illegally dumped tires at the discovered location and  copies of law enforcement open dump reports if issued.

See Guidance Manual for more details on funding criteria and allowable expenses.

North Central Ohio Solid Waste District 
815 Shawnee Rd, Suite D

Lima, OH 45805
Phone: (419) 228-8278 Ext *#
Toll Free: (800) 553- 6763
Fax: (419) 229- 2156

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