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Hardin County Curbside Recycling
Kenton Curbside Recycling Program
Only items listed can be collected curbside
Kenton Curbside Cart Program accepts
Plastic (Bottles & jugs only)
Steel, tin, & aluminum cans
Glass bottles & jars
Paper cartons
Magazines, mail, mixed paper,
Cardboard (must fit inside the car)
Do NOT put recyclables in bags, keep them loose in the cart
When in doubt, throw it out!
Please make sure your recyclables are empty, clean and dry before placing them in your recycling container.
A. Weekly 96-gallon trash cart w/1 bulk item per week, with Every-Other-Week 65-gallon recycling cart, per residential dwelling. Resident may also put out up to three additional 30-gallon bags of trash placed beside the cart not to exceed 40 pounds per bag.
B. Senior citizen weekly 65-gallon trash cart w/1 bulk item per week, with Every-Other-Week 65-gallon recycling cart, per residential dwelling. No additional trash bags allowed under the discounted senior rate.

Village of Forest Curbside Recycling Program
Only items listed Village of Forest flyer can be collected curbside
2nd & 4th Wednesday
Steel Food Cans & Aluminum Beverage Cans, Glass Food & Drink - Bottles & Jars-(Clear, Green or Brown only),Plastic Bottles & Jugs-(#1 & #2 only), Newspapers, Magazines, Paperboard(Cereal Boxes), Mail, Office/School Paper,Corrugated Cardboard-(Please cut down in size to no larger than 2' X 2') Do NOT put recyclables in bags
Village of Ada Curbside Recycling Program
Only items listed on Ada Website can be collected curbside
Every Other Tuesday
Steel Food Cans & Aluminum Beverage Cans, Glass Food & Drink - Bottles & Jars,Rigid Plastic Bottles & Jugs, Clean Newspapers, Cardboard, Mail, Office/School PaperDo NOT put recyclables in bags
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